Как похудеть девушке

05 августа 2014

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Девушке похудеть сложнее, чем мужчине, поскольку обмен веществ у девушек основан на липидах, в связи с чем, организм крайне неохотно использует их для компенсации недостатка калорийности. Тем ни менее, в любом случае, для того, чтобы похудеть, девушке необходимо создавать дефицит калорий и стимулировать организм компенсировать его за счет подкожного жира. Как этого достичь?

Во-первых, нужна диета, но диета не в смысле есть огурцы в течение двух дней, а систематический и планомерный режим питания, создающий небольшой, но стабильный дефицит калорийности.

Во-вторых, обязательно нужно заниматься спортом, чтобы стимулировать секрецию необходимых гормонов, увеличивать энергозатраты и приводить мышцы в тонус.

Похудеть девушке быстро не получится, это в любом случае процесс длительный, но, кроме того, он ещё и систематический. Нельзя просто взять, поголодать какое-то время и похудеть на всю жизнь. Нет, так не бывает! Девушка должна выбрать себе какую-то диету и придерживаться её в течение длительного времени, постепенно снижая калорийность, пока она не начнет худеть на 1-2кг в неделю. В тоже время, облегчить процесс похудения может спортивное питание, обеспечивающее организм необходимыми макроэлементами, при минимуме калорийности. Рекомендуется так же использовать легкие жиросжигатели, как L-carnitin, который к тому же обеспечивает нормальное функционирование сердечнососудистой системы.

Приступая к тренировкам, девушка должна совершенно четко определить те задачи, которые она перед собой ставит, поскольку и рыбку съесть и удобно сесть не получится. Приоритет рекомендуется отдать тренировке ягодиц и пресса, поскольку ягодичная мышца лучше всего предрасположена к гипертрофии, а тренировка пресса позволит сжигать жир в этой области быстрее. Суть в том, что во время тренинга в мышцах образуются факторы роста, а так же туда приливает кровь, поэтому питательные вещества быстрее расходуются из тренируемой области. В тоже время, тренировать верхнюю часть тела тоже нужно, но менее интенсивно, прокачивая все 2-3 базовыми упражнениями. Идеально для верха тела выполнять жим штанги лежа, тягу верхнего блока и тягу штанги к подбородку, а для прокачки ягодиц использовать приседания со штангой и махи ногами в стороны и назад. Пресс лучше всего тренировать 2-3 упражнениями 2-3 раза в неделю, давая, как минимум, 1 день перерыва между его тренировками.

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prime (гость)
26 сентября 2022
primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) .308 & 54R Berdan Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) 12.7×108 & 14.5mm Berdan Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) 50 BMG Boxer Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) 7.62×39 Berdan Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) Large Pistol Boxer Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) Large Rifle Boxer Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) Lead-Free Large Pistol Boxer Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) Lead-Free Small Pistol Boxer Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) Small Pistol Boxer Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) Small Rifle Boxer Primers 209 Shotshell – Wolf Performance Primers Battenfeld Technologies Perfect Seat Hand Primer CCI 209 Primers Muzzleloading Box of 100 CCI 309 #10 PERCUSSION CAPS 100 CT CCI 310 #11 MAGNUM PERCUSSION CAPS 100 CT CCI 311 #11 PERCUSSION CAPS 100 CT CCI 35 50 BMG Primers (Box of 500) CCI 41 Primers Small Rifle 5.56mm NATO-Spec Military Primers Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI 50 BMG Military Primers #35 CCI 50 BMG Primers #35 Box of 500 (5 Trays of 100) CCI Ammunition 0012 Primers CCI Ammunition 0017 Primers CCI Ammunition 1 41 Military 5.56 Primer 1000/5 CCI Ammunition 209 In-Line Muzzleloading Primer 2000PC CCI Ammunition 209M SHTSHL Primer CCI Ammunition 400 Small Rifle Primer CCI Ammunition BR4 Small Rifle Primer CCI Ammunition Small Pistol Primer 500 Primers CCI Large Pistol Magnum Primers #350 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Large Pistol Primers #300 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Large Pistol Primers #300 Boxes of 1000 CCI Large Rifle 7.62mm NATO-Spec Military Primers #34 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Large Rifle Bench Rest Primers #BR2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Large Rifle Magnum Primers #250 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Large Rifle Primers #200 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Percussion Caps #10 Box of 1000 (10 Cans of 100) CCI Percussion Caps #11 Box of 1000 (10 Cans of 100) CCI Percussion Caps #11 Magnum Box of 1000 (10 Cans of 100) CCI Primers #209 Shotshell Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Primers #209M Shotshell Magnum Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Small Pistol Magnum Primers #550 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Small Pistol Primers #500 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Small Rifle 5.56mm NATO-Spec Military Primers #41 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Small Rifle Bench Rest Primers #BR4 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Small Rifle Magnum Primers #450 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Cheddite 209 Shotshell Primers (Box of 1,000) ****Limit 5,000**** Federal 100 Small Pistol Primer 5000Ct Federal 209 Shotshell Primer Federal 209A Primers Shotshell Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Fusion 209ML Primer 2000 Primers Federal Large Magnum Rifle Primers Federal Large Pistol Magnum Primers #155 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Large Pistol Primers #150 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Large Rifle Magnum Primers #215 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Large Rifle Primers #210 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal LG Magazine Pistol Match Primers Federal Premium Gold Medal AR Match Grade Small Rifle Primers #GM205MAR Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Premium Gold Medal Large Pistol Magnum Match Primers #155M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Premium Gold Medal Large Rifle Magnum Match #215M Primers 1000pcs Federal Premium Gold Medal Large Rifle Match Primers #210M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Premium Gold Medal Small Pistol Magnum Match Primers #200M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Premium Gold Medal Small Pistol Match Primers #100M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Premium Primers #209 Muzzleloading Box of 100 Federal Rifle Match Primer Large Federal Rifle Primer Large Federal Small Magnum Pistol Match Primers Federal Small Pistol Magnum Primers #200 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Small Pistol Match Primers Federal Small Pistol Primers #100 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Small Rifle Primers #205 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal™ Firestick Muzzleloader Primers – 100 & 120 Grain Triple 8 Powder – 10 Count FIO 209 SHOTSHELL PRIMER Fiocchi Large Pistol Primers – 1,500 count Fiocchi Large Rifle Primer Fiocchi Large Rifle Primers – 1,500 count Fiocchi Primers #209 Shotshell Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Fiocchi Primers #616 SUR (209 W Type) 1000ct Fiocchi Small Pistol Primers – 1,500 count Fiocchi Small Rifle Primer Fiocchi Small Rifle Primers – 1,500 count Fiocchi Zero Pollution Small Pistol Primers- Lead-Free- Box of 1500 Fiocchi Zero Pollution Small Rifle Primers- Lead-Free- Box of 1500 Ginex Small Pistol Primers Large Pistol – Wolf Performance Primers RCBS 50BMG CRBOE Primer Pocket UMIFM RCBS 90383 TM Primer Pocket UNFromR LG PST Remington 209 Primers Kleanbore Muzzleloading Box of 100 Remington Centerfire Primers 6-1/2 Small Rifle Primers Remington Large Pistol Primers #2-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Remington Large Rifle Magnum Primers #9-1/2M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Remington Large Rifle Primers #9-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Remington LG Rifle Primer 5000pk Remington Premier 209 Primer 5000P Remington Premier STS Primers #209 Shotshell Remington SM Pistol PrimerS Remington Small Pistol Primers #1-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Remington Small Pistol Primers #5-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Remington Small Rifle Bench Rest Primers #7-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Remington Small Rifle Primers #6-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Remington X22628 Centerfire Primers Rio 209 G-1000 Shotshell Primers (Box of 1,000) Winchester 8 1/2M-120 RF Primer Winchester Large Pistol Primer Winchester Large Pistol Primers #7 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Large Rifle Magnum Primers #8-1/2M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Large Rifle Match Primers 100Count Winchester Large Rifle Primer #8.5-120 1,000-Count Winchester Large Rifle Primers #8-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester LG PISTOL PRIMER 1M Winchester Primers #209 Shotshell Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Small Pistol Magnum Primers #1-1/2M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Small Pistol Match Primers Winchester Small Pistol Primers #1-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Small Rifle 5.56mm NATO-Spec Military Primers #41 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Small Rifle Primers #6-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Triple Seven Primers #209 Muzzleloading Winchester USA Ready Large Pistol Match Primers Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester USA Ready Large Rifle Match Primers Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester USA Ready Small Pistol Match Primers Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester USA Ready Small Rifle Match Primers Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) wolf large rifle primers 5000 counts Aguila Small Pistol Primers #1-1/2 Box of 1000 Cheddite Clerinox CX2000 Primers #209 Shotshell Box of 1000 Schuetzen™ Musket Caps – 4 Wing Musket Caps (100 to 5000 Count) RWS® #11 Percussion Caps – No.1075 Plus – 250 to 1000 Pack RWS® #11 Percussion Caps – No.1075 – 250 to 1000 Pack RWS Musket Caps – 4 Flange Musket Caps – No.1081 – 200 to 5000 Pack
prime (гость)
26 сентября 2022
primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) .308 & 54R Berdan Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) 12.7×108 & 14.5mm Berdan Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) 50 BMG Boxer Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) 7.62×39 Berdan Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) Large Pistol Boxer Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) Large Rifle Boxer Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) Lead-Free Large Pistol Boxer Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) Lead-Free Small Pistol Boxer Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) Small Pistol Boxer Primers ‘Fort Smith’ (FSAAP) Small Rifle Boxer Primers 209 Shotshell – Wolf Performance Primers Battenfeld Technologies Perfect Seat Hand Primer CCI 209 Primers Muzzleloading Box of 100 CCI 309 #10 PERCUSSION CAPS 100 CT CCI 310 #11 MAGNUM PERCUSSION CAPS 100 CT CCI 311 #11 PERCUSSION CAPS 100 CT CCI 35 50 BMG Primers (Box of 500) CCI 41 Primers Small Rifle 5.56mm NATO-Spec Military Primers Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI 50 BMG Military Primers #35 CCI 50 BMG Primers #35 Box of 500 (5 Trays of 100) CCI Ammunition 0012 Primers CCI Ammunition 0017 Primers CCI Ammunition 1 41 Military 5.56 Primer 1000/5 CCI Ammunition 209 In-Line Muzzleloading Primer 2000PC CCI Ammunition 209M SHTSHL Primer CCI Ammunition 400 Small Rifle Primer CCI Ammunition BR4 Small Rifle Primer CCI Ammunition Small Pistol Primer 500 Primers CCI Large Pistol Magnum Primers #350 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Large Pistol Primers #300 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Large Pistol Primers #300 Boxes of 1000 CCI Large Rifle 7.62mm NATO-Spec Military Primers #34 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Large Rifle Bench Rest Primers #BR2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Large Rifle Magnum Primers #250 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Large Rifle Primers #200 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Percussion Caps #10 Box of 1000 (10 Cans of 100) CCI Percussion Caps #11 Box of 1000 (10 Cans of 100) CCI Percussion Caps #11 Magnum Box of 1000 (10 Cans of 100) CCI Primers #209 Shotshell Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Primers #209M Shotshell Magnum Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Small Pistol Magnum Primers #550 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Small Pistol Primers #500 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Small Rifle 5.56mm NATO-Spec Military Primers #41 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Small Rifle Bench Rest Primers #BR4 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) CCI Small Rifle Magnum Primers #450 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Cheddite 209 Shotshell Primers (Box of 1,000) ****Limit 5,000**** Federal 100 Small Pistol Primer 5000Ct Federal 209 Shotshell Primer Federal 209A Primers Shotshell Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Fusion 209ML Primer 2000 Primers Federal Large Magnum Rifle Primers Federal Large Pistol Magnum Primers #155 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Large Pistol Primers #150 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Large Rifle Magnum Primers #215 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Large Rifle Primers #210 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal LG Magazine Pistol Match Primers Federal Premium Gold Medal AR Match Grade Small Rifle Primers #GM205MAR Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Premium Gold Medal Large Pistol Magnum Match Primers #155M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Premium Gold Medal Large Rifle Magnum Match #215M Primers 1000pcs Federal Premium Gold Medal Large Rifle Match Primers #210M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Premium Gold Medal Small Pistol Magnum Match Primers #200M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Premium Gold Medal Small Pistol Match Primers #100M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Premium Primers #209 Muzzleloading Box of 100 Federal Rifle Match Primer Large Federal Rifle Primer Large Federal Small Magnum Pistol Match Primers Federal Small Pistol Magnum Primers #200 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Small Pistol Match Primers Federal Small Pistol Primers #100 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal Small Rifle Primers #205 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Federal™ Firestick Muzzleloader Primers – 100 & 120 Grain Triple 8 Powder – 10 Count FIO 209 SHOTSHELL PRIMER Fiocchi Large Pistol Primers – 1,500 count Fiocchi Large Rifle Primer Fiocchi Large Rifle Primers – 1,500 count Fiocchi Primers #209 Shotshell Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Fiocchi Primers #616 SUR (209 W Type) 1000ct Fiocchi Small Pistol Primers – 1,500 count Fiocchi Small Rifle Primer Fiocchi Small Rifle Primers – 1,500 count Fiocchi Zero Pollution Small Pistol Primers- Lead-Free- Box of 1500 Fiocchi Zero Pollution Small Rifle Primers- Lead-Free- Box of 1500 Ginex Small Pistol Primers Large Pistol – Wolf Performance Primers RCBS 50BMG CRBOE Primer Pocket UMIFM RCBS 90383 TM Primer Pocket UNFromR LG PST Remington 209 Primers Kleanbore Muzzleloading Box of 100 Remington Centerfire Primers 6-1/2 Small Rifle Primers Remington Large Pistol Primers #2-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Remington Large Rifle Magnum Primers #9-1/2M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Remington Large Rifle Primers #9-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Remington LG Rifle Primer 5000pk Remington Premier 209 Primer 5000P Remington Premier STS Primers #209 Shotshell Remington SM Pistol PrimerS Remington Small Pistol Primers #1-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Remington Small Pistol Primers #5-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Remington Small Rifle Bench Rest Primers #7-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Remington Small Rifle Primers #6-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Remington X22628 Centerfire Primers Rio 209 G-1000 Shotshell Primers (Box of 1,000) Winchester 8 1/2M-120 RF Primer Winchester Large Pistol Primer Winchester Large Pistol Primers #7 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Large Rifle Magnum Primers #8-1/2M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Large Rifle Match Primers 100Count Winchester Large Rifle Primer #8.5-120 1,000-Count Winchester Large Rifle Primers #8-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester LG PISTOL PRIMER 1M Winchester Primers #209 Shotshell Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Small Pistol Magnum Primers #1-1/2M Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Small Pistol Match Primers Winchester Small Pistol Primers #1-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Small Rifle 5.56mm NATO-Spec Military Primers #41 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Small Rifle Primers #6-1/2 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester Triple Seven Primers #209 Muzzleloading Winchester USA Ready Large Pistol Match Primers Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester USA Ready Large Rifle Match Primers Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester USA Ready Small Pistol Match Primers Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) Winchester USA Ready Small Rifle Match Primers Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100) wolf large rifle primers 5000 counts Aguila Small Pistol Primers #1-1/2 Box of 1000 Cheddite Clerinox CX2000 Primers #209 Shotshell Box of 1000 Schuetzen™ Musket Caps – 4 Wing Musket Caps (100 to 5000 Count) RWS® #11 Percussion Caps – No.1075 Plus – 250 to 1000 Pack RWS® #11 Percussion Caps – No.1075 – 250 to 1000 Pack RWS Musket Caps – 4 Flange Musket Caps – No.1081 – 200 to 5000 Pack
prime (гость)
26 сентября 2022
2400 4lbs – Alliant Powder 2495 1lb – Accurate Powder 2520 1lb – Accurate Powder 2700 1lb – Accurate Powder 4000-MR 1lb – Alliant Powder 4350 1lb – Accurate Powder 700-X 4lb. – Hodgdon Powder Accurate 11 FS (1 Lb) Accurate 11 FS (8 Lb) Accurate 2200 Smokeless Powder (1 Lb) Accurate 2200 Smokeless Powder 8 Lbs Accurate Mag Pro Smokeless Powder (1 Lb) Accurate Mag Pro Smokeless Powder (8 Lbs) Accurate No. 1680 Smokeless Powder (8 Lbs) Accurate No. 2015 Smokeless Powder (8 Lbs) Accurate No. 2230 Smokeless Powder (1 Lb) Accurate No. 2230 Smokeless Powder (8 Lbs) Accurate No. 2460 Smokeless Powder (1 Lb) Accurate No. 2460 Smokeless Powder (8 Lbs) Accurate NO. 4100 Smokeless Powder (1 Lb) Accurate No. 4350 Smokeless Powder (8 Lbs) Accurate Powder – TCM 1lb Accurate Powder LT-32 Accurate Powder Nitro 100 12oz Accurate Powder XMR-5744 1LB Alliant AR Comp Smokeless Rifle Powder 1 Lb Alliant AR Comp Smokeless Rifle Powder 8 Lb Alliant Blue Dot Smokeless Magnum Powder 1 Lb Alliant Clay Dot Smokeless Shotshell Powder 4 Lb Alliant Clay Dot Smokeless Shotshell Powder 8 Lb Alliant Herco Smokeless Powder 8 Lb Alliant Pdr – P. Pro 1200-R 1# Alliant Pdr – P. Pro 300-MP 1# Alliant Powder – 20/28 1lb. Alliant Powder – 2400 1lb. Alliant Powder – 2400 8lbs Alliant Powder – 410 GA 1lb Alliant Powder – Black Dot MZ 1lb Alliant Powder – Bullseye 4lbs Alliant Powder – Ex.-Lite 1 Lb Alliant Powder – Herco 1 LB Alliant Powder – P.Pro Varm. 8 lb. Alliant Powder – Promo 8lbs Alliant Powder – Pwr. Pist 4lb Alliant Powder – Re-16 1lb. Alliant Powder – Re-22 1lb. Alliant Powder – Re-33 1lb. Alliant Powder – Re-33 8lb. Alliant Powder – Sport Pistol 1# Alliant Powder – Steel 1lb. Alliant Reloder 25 Smokeless Gun Powder Alliant Reloder 26 Smokeless Gun Powder Alliant Reloder 7 Smokeless Rifle Powder 1 Lb Alliant Reloder 7 Smokeless Rifle Powder 5 Lb Alliant Unique Smokeless Powder 1 Lb Alliant Unique Smokeless Powder 4 Lb Alliant Unique Smokeless Powder 8 Lb BE-86 8 lbs – Alliant Powder Blackhorn 209 Black Powder Substitute Bullseye 8lbs – Alliant Powder CFE-223 8lbs – Hodgdon Powder Goex FFFFg Black Powder 1 lb Goex FFFg Black Powder 1 lb Goex FFg Black Powder 1 lb Green Dot 8lbs – Alliant Powder H380 8lbs – Hodgdon Powder H4831SC 8lbs – Hodgdon Powder Hodgdon #800X 8 Lb. Keg Hodgdon Benchmark Smokeless Gun Powder 8lb Hodgdon CFE BLK Powder Hodgdon CFE Pistol powder Hodgdon Clays Smokeless Powder 14 Oz Hodgdon Clays Smokeless Powder 8 Lbs Hodgdon H1000 Smokeless Powder 1 Lb Hodgdon H1000 Smokeless Powder 8 Lbs Hodgdon H110 Smokeless Powder 1 Lb Hodgdon H110 Smokeless Powder 8 Lbs Hodgdon H322 Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon H335 Smokeless Powder 1 Lb Hodgdon H335 Smokeless Powder 8 Lbs Hodgdon H380 Smokeless Powder 1 Lb Hodgdon H414 Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon H4198 Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon H4350 Smokeless Powder 1 Lb Hodgdon H4831 Smokeless Powder 1 Lb Hodgdon H4831 Smokeless Powder 8 Lbs Hodgdon H4895 Smokeless Gun Powder 1,8lbs Hodgdon H50BMG Smokeless Powder 1,8lbs Hodgdon Hi-Skor 800-X Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon Hornady LEVERevolution Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon Hornady Superformance Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon HP38 Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon HS6 Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon HS6 Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon Hybrid 100V Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon Lil’ Gun Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon Longshot Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon Powder – 800-X 8lb Hodgdon Powder – BLC-2 8lb Hodgdon Powder – H-4350 1Lb. Hodgdon Powder – H-4350 8lb Hodgdon Powder Pyrodex RS 1lb Hodgdon Retumbo Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon Titegroup Powder 1lb Hodgdon Titewad Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon Trail Boss Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon Triple Seven Black Powder Substitute FFg 1 lb Hodgdon Universal Smokeless Gun Powder Hodgdon US 869 Smokeless Gun Powder 8lb Hodgdon Varget Smokeless Gun Powder 8lb IMR 3031 Smokeless Gun Powder 8lb IMR 4064 Smokeless Gun Powder 8lb IMR 4064 Smokeless Powder 1 Lb IMR 4198 Smokeless Gun Powder IMR 4227 Smokeless Gun Powder IMR 4320 Smokeless Gun Powder IMR 4350 Smokeless Gun Powder IMR 4831 Smokeless Gun Powder IMR 4895 Smokeless Gun Powder IMR 4955 with ENDURON Technology Smokeless Powder 8 Lbs IMR 7828 SSC Smokeless Gun Powder IMR 7977 Enduron Smokeless Gun Powder IMR 8208 XBR Smokeless Gun Powder IMR Enduron 4166 Smokeless Gun Powder IMR Enduron 4451 Smokeless Gun Powder IMR Enduron 4955 Smokeless Gun Powder 1 Pound IMR Enduron 8133 Smokeless Gun Powder No. 2 1lb – Accurate Powder No. 7 1lb – Accurate Powder No. 9 1lb – Accurate Powder OLDE EYNSFORD 1.5F OLDE EYNSFORD 1F PYRODEX® P – PISTOL POWDER PYRODEX® RS – RIFLE/SHOTGUN POWDER Ramshot Big Game Smokeless Rifle Powder (8 Lbs) Ramshot TAC Rifle Powder Re-16 8lbs – Alliant Powder Red Dot 8 lbs – Alliant Powder VihtaVuori 24N41 Smokeless Rifle Powder 8 Lb VihtaVuori N105 Smokeless Pistol Powder 1 Lb VihtaVuori N120 Smokeless Rifle Powder 1 Lb VihtaVuori N130 Smokeless Rifle Powder 1 Lb VihtaVuori N133 Smokeless Rifle Powder 1 Lb VihtaVuori N135 Smokeless Rifle Powder 1 Lb VihtaVuori N160 Smokeless Rifle Powder 8 Lb VihtaVuori N165 Smokeless Rifle Powder 8 Lb VihtaVuori N32C Smokeless Pistol Powder 1 Lb VihtaVuori N340 Smokeless Pistol Powder 4 Lb VihtaVuori N530 Smokeless Rifle Powder 8 Lb VihtaVuori N540 High Energy Smokeless Rifle Powder 1 Lb VihtaVuori N540 Smokeless Powder 8 Lb VihtaVuori N555 Smokeless Rifle Powder 1 Lb VihtaVuori N555 Smokeless Rifle Powder 8 Lb VihtaVuori N560 High Energy Smokeless Rifle Powder 1 Lb VihtaVuori N565 High Energy Smokeless Rifle Powder 1 Lb Vihtavuori N565 Smokeless Gun Powder VihtaVuori N565 Smokeless Powder 8 Lb Vihtavuori N570 Smokeless Gun Powder Winchester 231 Handgun Powder Winchester 296 Smokeless Gun Powder Winchester 748 Rifle Powder Winchester 760 Smokeless Powder 1 Lb Winchester 760 Smokeless Powder 8 Lbs Winchester Powder – 296 4 Lb. Winchester Powder – 296 8Lb. Winchester Powder AutoComp 8lb Winchester StaBall 6.5 Smokeless Gun Powder Winchester WSF Smokeless Powder 1 Lb Winchester WSF Smokeless Powder 4 Lb Winchester WSF Smokeless Powder 8 Lbs Winchester WST Smokeless Gun Powder Winchester WST Smokeless Powder 4 Lb POWDER
prime (гость)
26 сентября 2022
Beretta 92FS Semi-Automatic Pistol Beretta 92X Performance Defensive Semi-Automatic Pistol Beretta 92X Performance Defensive Semi-Automatic Pistol 9mm Luger 4.9″ Barrel Stainless Black Beretta 92X Performance Semi-Automatic Pistol Beretta APX A1 Semi-Automatic Pistol Beretta M9 Pistol 9mm Luger 4.9″ Barrel Matte Beretta M9 Semi-Automatic Pistol 22 Long Rifle Beretta M9A1 Semi-Automatic Pistol with Rail 22 Long Rifle 5.3″ Barrel Black Beretta M9A4 Full Size Semi-Automatic Pistol Beretta Px4 Storm Semi-Automatic Pistol Bond Arms Black Jack .45 LC 3.5″ Barrel 2-Rounds Bond Arms Grizzly Stainless .410 GA / .45 Colt 3″ 2-Round 2.5″ Chamber Bond Arms Old Glory American Flag .45 Colt / .410 GA 3.5″ Barrel 2-Rounds Bond Arms Old Glory Stainless .45 LC / .357 Mag 3.5″ Barrel 2-Rounds Package 2 Bond Arms Papa Bear Stainless .45LC .410ga 3-inch 2rd Bond Arms Patriot Defender Derringer Stainless with Wood Grips 45LC/410 3-inch Bond Arms Rough n’ Rowdy Derringer Stainless .410 Gauge / .45 LC 3″ 2-Round Bond Arms Roughneck Stainless .38 SPL / .357 Mag 2.5″ 2 RDs Bond Arms Roughneck Stainless .45 ACP 2.5″ 2-Round Bond Arms Roughneck Stainless 9mm 2.5″ 2 RDs Bond Arms Rustic Defender Stainless .45 LC 3″ Barrel 2-Rounds Holster Package Bond Arms Snake Slayer with TG 45/410 3.5-inch Bond Arms Texan Stainless .45 LC / .410 GA 6-inch 2Rds Canik METE SFT 9mm 4.46″ Barrel Canik METE SFX CANIK TP9 Charter Arms Undercover Revolver .38SPL 2-inch SS 5RD Cimarron Firearms Evil Roy .45LC 4.75-inch 6rd Cimarron Firearms Evil Roy Blue 5.5-inch 45 Colt Firearms Cimarron Firearms MDL 3 SCHFLD .45LC 5-inch Cimarron Firearms Model 3 SCHOFIELD .45LC 7 inch Cimarron Firearms Model 3 SCHOFIELD .45LC 7 inch Cimarron Firearms Modified P .45LC 5.5-inch 6rd Black Cimarron Firearms MP512 Model P 4.75-inch Cimarron Firearms US 7th Cavalry Blue .45 LC 7.5-inch 6Rds Cobra Firearms Derringer .22 Mag Black Wood Grips Cobra Firearms Derringer 9mm-Black/Rosewood Cobra Firearms Derringer Big Bore .380 Blue/Black 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prime (гость)
26 сентября 2022
A-Zoom Snap Cap Revolver Training Rounds .357 Mag Aguila 9mm Luger 115gr. FMJ Brass 9mm 50Rds Aguila Ammunition 9mm 124gr FMJ 50rd Aguila Centerfire Rounds Brass FMJ 115-Grain 9mm 300 Rounds Barnes Bullets TAC-XPD .380 ACP 80GR HP 20Rds Barnes Bullets TAC-XPD 40SW 140GR HP 20 ROUNDS Barnes Bullets TAC-XPD 45ACP 185GR HP 20 ROUNDS Barnes Bullets VOR-TX Brass .454 Casull 250-Grain 20-Rounds BXPB CCI Ammunition Blazer Brass Brass 9mm 115 Grain 100-Rounds FMJ CCI Ammunition Blazer Brass Full Metal Jacket Round Nose 124 Grain Brass 9mm 50Rds CCI Ammunition Blazer Centerfire 10mm 180 Grain 50 Rounds Full Metal Jacket CCI Ammunition Blazer FMJ 124 Grain Aluminum 9mm 50Rds CCI Ammunition Blazer FMJ 200 Grain Aluminum 10mm 50Rds CCI Ammuniton Blazer .40 SW 165GR TMJ 50Rds CCI Blazer .40S&W 180GR FMJ 50Rds CCI Blazer Brass 9mm 115Gr FMJ 50Rds CCI Blazer Brass 9mm Luger Ammunition 50 RDs 147 Grain CCI Blazer Brass Handgun Ammunition 9mm Luger 124 gr FMJ 1000/box Federal 30-06 180GR TRO COPR V-SHOK Federal 300WSM 180GR TRO CPR V-SHOK Federal AM Eagle 380 ACP 95GR FMJ 50rds Federal AM Eagle 40SW 180GR FMJ 50rds Federal American Eagle 115 Grain FMJ Brass 9mm 100Rds Federal American Eagle 9mm Luger 115gr. FMJ 50rds. Federal American Eagle Brass 9mm 124 Grain 250-Rounds TSJRN Federal American Eagle Brass 9mm 124 Grain 500-Rounds TSJRN Federal American Eagle Competition Ammo Brass 9mm 200-Rounds 115 Grain FMJ Federal American Eagle Indoor Range Training Brass 9mm 70 Grain 50-Rounds Lead-Free Federal American Eagle Indoor Range Training Brass 9mm 70 Grain 50-Rounds Lead-Free Federal Ammerican Eagle 9mm 115GR FMJ 50Rds Federal BallistiClean Brass .45 ACP 155 Grain 50-Rounds HRTF Federal BallistiClean Brass 9mm 100-Grain 50-Rounds LFF Federal Champion 9mm 50-Rounds 115 Grain FMJ Federal Champion Aluminum 9mm 115-Grain 50-Rounds FMJ Federal Champion Ammunition 40 S&W 180 Grain Full Metal Jacket Aluminum Case Federal Champion Training Brass 9mm 115 Grain 200-Rounds FMJ Federal Champion Training Handgun Ammo 9mm 100-Rounds 115 Grain FMJ Federal F460FS1 460SW 260 Fusion 20rds Federal HYDRA-SHOK 40S&W 155GR 20rds Federal HYDRA-SHOK 44mag 240GR 20rds Federal HYDRA-SHOK 45ACP 230GR HP 20rds Federal Hydra-Shok 9mm 135GR JHP 20rds Federal Military Grade Brass 9mm 124 Grain 50-Rounds FMJ Federal Personal Defense 9mm 147gr 20rds Federal Personal Defense HST Nickel Plated Brass .45 ACP 230 Grain 20-Rounds HSTJSP Federal Personal Defense Low Recoil Hydra-Shok Handgun Ammo .45 ACP 20-Rounds 165 Grain JHP Federal Premium HammerDown Nickel Plated Brass .357 Mag 170 Grain 20-Rounds BHP Federal Premium HST .40 SW 180GR HST SP 20Rds Federal Premium Personal Defense Ammunition Nickel Plated Brass 9mm 20-Rounds 124 Grain Hydra-Shock JHP Federal Premium Personal Defense HST 9mm 150GR JHP 20Rds Federal Premium Punch Brass .40 SW 165 Grain 20-Rounds JHP Federal Premium Vital-Shok Centerfire Rifle Silver .308 Win 165 Gr Trophy Copper Federal Syntech Defense Brass .40 SW 175 Grain 20-Rounds SJHP Fiocchi 357GCMJ Fiocchi Centerfire Pistol Fiocchi 765B SPC 30LUG 93 JSp 50rds Fiocchi 9mm Handgun Ammunition 115 Grain FMJ 50rds Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics .45 ACP 230 Grain 50-Rounds FMJ Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics Brass 9mm 115-Grain 1000-Rounds FMJ Case Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics FMJ 124 Grain Brass 9mm 50Rds Fiocchi Specialty Ammo .30 Luger Full Met Jacket G2 Research RIP Radically Invasive Projectile 9mm 92GR HP 20Rd Gamo Red Fire Pellet .177 150 Pk Grizzly Centerfire Handgun Brass 9mm 124-Grain 20-Rounds JHP Hornady 40S&W 155GR JHP/XTP 20rds Hornady 44mag 200GR XTP 20rds Hornady 44mag 300GR XTP 20rds Hornady 500SW 300GR Evolution 20rds Hornady 9mm 147GR JHP/XTP 25rds Hornady American Gunner 9mm 115GR XTP 25Rds Hornady American Gunner 9mm 124gr 25-Rounds XTP Hollow Point Hornady Critical Defense .40S&W 165GR FTX 20rds Hornady Critical Defense .45ACP 185GR FTX 20Rds Hornady Critical Defense 9mm Flex Tip Expanding 115 Grain Nickel Plated Brass 25-Round Hornady Critical Defense 9mm Flex Tip Expanding 115 Grain Nickel Plated Brass 250-Round Case Hornady Critical Defense Handgun Ammo .38 SPL +P 25-Rounds 110 Grain Flex Tip eXpanding Hornady Critical Defense Lite 9mm 100GR FTX 25Rds Hornady Critical Duty .357Sig 135GR FlexLock 20Rds Hornady Critical Duty 9MM 135GR FlexLock 25Rds Hornady Critical Duty Handgun Ammo Nickel 9mm 25-Rounds 135 Grain FlexLock Hornady Handgun Hunter 9mm Luger +P 115 Grain MonoFlex 25 Round Box Magtech Ammunition 9MM 115 Grain FMJ 1000 Round Case MagTech Range/Training Brass 10mm 180-Grain 50-Rounds FMJ MagTech Range/Training Brass 9mm 124-Grain 50-Rounds LRN MagTech Sport Shooting 9mm 115GR FMJ 50 Rounds per Box Nosler Match Grade Brass .40 SW 150-Grain 20-Rounds JHP Nosler Match Grade Brass 9mm 115-Grain 20-Rounds JHP PPU Handgun 9mm Luger 115gr. FMJ Brass 9mm 50Rds PPU Mil-Spec 9mm Luger 115 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) 1000 Rounds PPU Mil-Spec Battle Pack Brass 9mm NATO 200-Rounds 124 Grain FMJ PPU Mil-Spec Brass 9mm 124-Grain 50-Rounds FMJ PPU Mil-Spec Brass 9mm 124-Grain 50-Rounds FMJ Remington Ammunition UMC 9mm 115GR JHP 100Rd Value Pack Remington Ammunition UMC Mega Pack 9mm 115GR FMJ 250Rds Remington Range Brass 9mm 115-Grain 500-Rounds FMJ Remington T9MM3 Range Ammunition 9mm 115GR FMJ 50rd Box Remington UMC Ammunition 40 S&W Full Metal Jacket Sellier & Bellot 9mm 115GR FMJ 50rds Sellier & Bellot 9MM 124 Grain Full Metal Jacket 1000 Round Case Sellier & Bellot 9MM 124 Grains JHP 50 Rounds Sellier & Bellot 9mm 124GR FMJ 50rds Sellier and Bellot Subsonic FMJ 150 Grain 9mm 50 Rounds Sellier and Bellot Subsonic FMJ 150 Grain 9mm 50 Rounds Sig Sauer 365 Elite V-Crown 9mm JHP 115 Gr Sig Sauer E38SU1-20 Elite Performance V-Crown Sig Sauer Elite Ball FMJ 115 Grain Brass 9mm 200Rds Sig Sauer Elite Performance 9mm 115GR 50Rds Sig Sauer Elite Performance 9mm 115GR V-Crown JHP 20Rds Sig Sauer Elite Performance 9MM 124GR V-Crown JHP 20Rds Sig Sauer Elite V-Crown 45 Auto 230grn 20Rds Sig Sauer Elite V-Crown Jacketed Hollow Point 9mm 115grain 50rds Speer Gold Dot Personal Protection Ammo 9mm 20-Rounds 147 Grain Hollow Point Speer Lawman Brass 9mm 115 Grain 50-Rounds TMJ Winchester Ammunition .380ACP 95GR FMJ 50rds Winchester Ammunition 115 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point Brass 9mm 50Rds Winchester Ammunition 9mm 115GR FMJ 100rds Winchester Ammunition 9MM 115GR FMJ 50Rds Winchester Ammunition Active Duty Handgun Ammo Brass 9mm 100-Rounds 115 Grain FMJ Flat Nose Winchester Ammunition Active Duty Handgun Ammo Brass 9mm 500-Rounds 115 Grain FMJ Flat Nose Winchester Ammunition FMJ 124 Grain Brass 9mm 50Rds Winchester Ammunition NATO Ammunition 9mm 150Rd 124 GR Winchester Ammunition USA Forged 9MM 115 Grain FMJ 1000 Round Case Winchester Ammunition WW9C Handgun Ammunition Brass 9mm 500Rds Winchester Centerfire Handgun Brass 9mm 115-Grain 1000-Rounds FMJ Winchester Military Service Grade .45ACP 230GR FMJ 50Rds Winchester Ranger 9mm Luger 147 Grain 50 Rounds T-Series Jacketed Hollow Point Winchester Service Grade Full Metal Jacket 115 Grain Brass 9mm 50Rds Winchester Service Grade Handgun Rounds .38 SPL 50-Rounds 130 Grain FMJ Winchester Silvertip 9mm 147 Grain 20 Rounds Hollow Point Winchester US Military 9mm NATO 1000 Round Ammo Can 124 Grain FMJ Winchester USA 9mm 147GR BEB WC 50rds2 Winchester USA Ammo 9mm 50-Rounds 124 Grain FMJ Winchester USA Ammunition 40 S&W 165 Grain Full Metal Jacket Flat Nose 50rds Winchester White Box Brass 9mm 200Rds 115 GR FMJ
prime (гость)
27 сентября 2022
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